AFFORESTING THE ORINOQUIA is a program led by GREENER, a subsidiary of FLOGMA, to expand the Amazonian frontier in the savannas of the Colombian Orinoco region, by creating new forest, which produce clean raw materials that replace petroleum products, while generating thousands of permanent jobs for vulnerable communities with few employment opportunities.
In the Orinoquia region of Colombia, the poor density of the savannah is due to its naturally infertile soils for agriculture and decades of livestock farming practices.
The objective of our program is to develop high-quality forests for non-timber forest products (NTFPs) extraction, while stabilizing or restoring fragile and degraded areas. In addition to carbon sequestration through reforestation, the project provides social and environmental benefits to the area and local communities.
The program is based on the use of agroecology techniques to improve savanna soils that are currently unsuitable for agriculture, also developing the capacity to support the industry in the region, the production of seedlings and bio-inputs, as well as developing the infrastructure for the collection and processing of resin and latex.
Companies and businesses can offset their unavoidable emissions by buying carbon credits CBL N-GEO (Nature Based Carbon Offset), from certified activities that support community development, protect ecosystems and plant trees to reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere.
Nature is one of the most effective ways to stop climate breakdown. We make it easier for both individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity, and help forestation efforts.
The eastern plains of Colombia, known as Orinoquia, bordered to the west by the Andean Cordillera Oriental and to the south by the Amazon rainforest, is the second largest savanna system in South America. With abundant precipitation and sunshine, its 5–6 million hectares and a flat landscape, it has the greatest forestry potential in the region. Savanna environments hold high levels of biodiversity and provide multiple functions for freshwater ecosystems and water resources, representing climate change mitigation opportunities when conserving trees in the landscape, aforesting grasslands, or storing carbon in the soil.
Despite this potential, the Orinoquia is still for the greater part unused land, its oxisol soil is characterized by a very low amount of exchangeable nutrient elements, very low content of weatherable minerals, high aluminum saturation of the cation exchange capacity, and acidity. Oxisols represent the most naturally infertile soils for agriculture. However, the physical conditions of this soil are usually best under permanent grassland or forest.
Our goal is to forward forest plantation and conservation through the sustainable management of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). NTFP are biological products of wild species harvested from ecosystems, with benefits from their use that accrue to local livelihoods and well-being. The sustainable management and marketing of NTFPs offers a new framework for promoting an ecologically sound plan for the economic development and conservation of tropical forests simultaneously whilst also improving the access to natural resources and resilience of forest.
We are well positioned to become a lead supplier in the 10B USD global pine and 22B USD chemicals industries. Pine resin and rubber latex are a highly valuable and sought-after non-timber forest product with multiple uses in many industrial sectors. Also, resin and rubber tapping are an important activity that contributes to job creation in depressed rural areas, promotes biodiversity, reduces fire risk, and reverses environmental pollution by replacing petrochemical-based products.
For many companies, there are often unavoidable emissions left over after taking measures to reduce their carbon footprint. Carbon compensation, also called carbon offsetting, enables companies to meet ambitious climate goals, puts a price on carbon to incentivize further action, and provides critical finance to accelerate the world’s transition to a low-carbon future.
Typically, when companies buy a carbon offset, the money goes to pay for a reduction in greenhouse gasses that has already occurred. However, sometimes social-based projects don’t have enough funding to be built in the first place. AFFORESTING THE ORINOQUIA program carbon offsets bridge the gap. By investing in this program, you're funding a project that will reduce carbon emissions and help communities grow. AFFORESTING THE ORINOQUIA program is a great tool to offset a company’s emissions, by meeting the highest standards in this industry. Also, the program allows companies to deliver on multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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