Naturally protecting plant health and performance to grow more vigorous, stronger, resistant crops with better yields
All around us are examples where nature lends an advantage helping plants become more resilient, insects more adaptable and soils more biodiverse. When growing crops we rely on, farmers must also strike a balance, protecting their crops from pests and disease without interfering in nature’s good work. FLOGMA's portfolio of biological products comes right from nature. These products are developed to give farmers tools to embrace balance and keep their farms healthy and productive today and tomorrow.
FLOGMA agricultural biologicals are beneficial crop production and protection products that are largely created from living organisms, derived from natural materials, contain them, or use naturally occurring processes. Biologics complement traditional crop protection tools as part of an integrated crop management system, using nature’s own defenses to help safeguard plants against pests, improve yield and prevent disease.
Farmers are always striving to find new and better ways to grow crops. With natural products like biologicals, the challenge is finding products that work well and can be easily incorporated into the farmer’s existing agronomic practices. Every farm is a living system. FLOGMA agricultural biologicals are designed to fit into that system by complementing the evolving farm practices and technologies. They can be used in organic farming or in conjunction with traditional crop protection products to optimize plant protection and health, while reducing the environmental footprint.
Biologicals offer farmers additional solutions to manage resistance, enhance soil health and reduce residue. For example, when used in combination with synthetic chemicals, Biocontrols can help delay resistance and enhance the longevity of the other products. Biostimulants contribute to the health of plants and help them cope with stresses, such as heat and drought, supporting farmers and crops to deal with the effects of climate change.
Today’s consumer is more informed than ever, and hungry for knowledge about where food and products come from and how it’s grown. Food suppliers have responded by requiring more transparency and, in many cases, increasingly rigorous production and record-keeping criteria from growers. FLOGMA’s biologicals portfolio helps farmers meet these standards with products that can often be used right up until harvest to control diseases and pests when maximum residue limits are a concern. FLOGMA is committed to deliver innovative farming solutions that protect the crop and its environment to help farmers earn premiums for their produce and food chain partners, while bringing consumers peace of mind.
Biologicals are being used by many growers in integrated pest management programs or as stand-alone to provide another way to protect plants from diseases, pests, and weeds, or to improve the health of the plants. Sustainable agriculture and healthy plants mean high-quality sustainably sourced food for all of us.
We serve producers and users of grains around the globe through origination, trading, processing, and distribution, as well as offering a range of farmer services and risk management solutions.